How a Temporary Capital turned into a Contemporary Capital. What is a European Capital of Culture? What does it Promise to the Cultural Players?
For the last several months, Kaunas has been complimented with several significant signs of success. In December, Kaunas was included in the UNESCO design cities network, and at the beginning of the year, it won the National Science Centre competition. However, the challenges waiting for us are even higher. An application for its inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List is being prepared. Kaunas is making an effort to gain the title of a European Capital of Culture in 2022. What would be the benefits of this title for the city and what could be expected if Kaunas was chosen as a European Capital of Culture?Read more
WROCŁAW: a capital of culture created from scratch
Wrocław, a city which is similar to Kaunas, is being celebrated as a European Capital of Culture this year. Together with San Sebastian, these cities have been anointed as European Capitals of Culture. Poland is closer to us, with Wrocław only 800 km away from us (it can be reached within 12 hours), so let’s take a bit of a look at the cultural programme that is being offered by our neighbours this year. To be more precise, I would like to invite you to explore its rich programme and select the routes for yourself, and here I’d suggest that you look at the concept used as the basis for Wrocław’s entire Programme for 2016.Read more
Ideas bank
On 6 October 2015, the cultural community of Kaunas approved “Contemporary Capital” for the title, slogan and direction of the programme at a public meeting initiated by the Kaunas City Municipality. The title is used as a first step based on the name “temporary capital”, which Kaunas was historically, and it has become a synonym of the city. This concept is further supported by stating that the positive identity of the city has not stayed stuck in the past century, because the process of its creation is taking place now.Read more
Ar muziejuje yra vietos tik praeičiai?
Štai kokią žinutę aptikau praėjusiųjų metų pabaigoje: vienas Jungtinių Valstijų miesto muziejus pristatė naują strateginį planą, kurį rengiant dalyvavo daugiau kaip 100 miesto bendruomenių atstovų. Bendruomenių nariai ne tik aptarė muziejaus vaidmenį mieste, bet ir pateikė konkrečius pasiūlymus – sukurti muziejų kaip bendruomenių susitikimo erdvę, stiprinti muziejaus edukacines veiklas, pristatant regiono istoriją ir t. t.Read more
Lithuania is not the only country preparing to have one of its cities picked as a European Capital of Culture. One of the cities of Luxembourg will also share the same title in 2022. Esch-sur-Alzette, the second largest city of Luxembourg has got a great chance of winning since it is the only candidate so far.
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Kauną aplankė Ešo prie Alzeto Europos kultūros sostinės paraiškos rengėjai
Šiuo metu Lietuva – ne vienintelė šalis, besiruošianti Europos kultūros sostinės atrankai. 2022 metais Europos kultūros sostinės titulą taip pat turės vienas iš Liuksemburgo miestų. Dideli šansai, kad šį titulą pelnys antrasis pagal dydį Liuksemburgo miestas Ešas prie Alzeto (Esch-sur-Alzette), kuris kol kas yra vienintelis kandidatas atrankoje.Read more
Programos Kaunas 2022 prioritetai ir kryptys
Kauno centriniame pašte pirmadienio rytą vyko spaudos konferencija, kurios metu programos „Kaunas – Europos kultūros sostinė 2022“ komanda, atstovaujama Virginijos Vitkienės, Anos Čižauskienės, Leonido Donskio ir Ryčio Zemkausko, bei Kauno vicemeras Simonas Kairys pristatė programos prioritetus ir su programos paraiškos rengimu susijusias aktualijas.Read more