“New Reality”: Lithuanian creators presented architectural ideas for public and not public spaces

At the end of the last week, the winners of creative ideas workshops and competition “Adaptive Capsule” were announced. During “Kaunas Design Event” organised by “Kaunas – European Capital of Culture 2022”, the participants had to create a transformable, closed communication spatial structure where at least 2 people could safely communicate at the same time. The proposed solutions were to meet the safety requirements of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Prototypes of one or more projects are expected to be developed as soon as possible.
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Norintiems tvarios spintos – dizainerė Strasevičiūtė paaiškino, kokias taisykles reikėtų taikyti

Lankantis prekybos ir pramogų centruose mus pasitinka aibė aprangos parduotuvių, o kiekvienoje jų – šimtai drabužių. Rūbų kolekcijos keičiamos kiekvieną sezoną, ką garsiai skelbia ir dideli išpardavimai, skatinantys pirkti dabar, greitai ir daug. Turbūt neretas esame spintas užvertę drabužiais, kuriuos dėvėjome vieną–du kartus, o gal „surizikavome“ pirkdami ir vėliau neapsirengėme nė karto. Toks vartotojiškumas nulemia milžiniškus išmetamų tekstilės gaminių kiekius, o mados industrija yra tapusi antra taršiausia pasaulyje.
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Designer Rama Gheerawo: ‘Why Sony, Samsung or Hewlett-Packard cares about Your oppinion’

Rama Gheerawo, a well-known designer and longtime director of the Helen Hamlyn Center for Design at the Royal College of Arts in London, England, believes that good design has to be inclusive. Only then design becomes more than aesthetic endeavor and can solve serious social issues. ‘Believe it or not, entrepreneurs, marketers, companies, organizations, governments don’t always do that, they don’t include citizens. They design something that they think you need rather than something that you actually want’, says Rama. During Kaunas Design Event at October 26 Rama Gheerawo will present good practices of the Helen Hamlyn Center for Design. In the following conversation, designer shares his insights about the functions of contemporary design and challenges designers face practicing inclusive design. Read more