Kaunas 2022 ambasadoriai: Inga Turminienė
Kaunas – miestas, kuriame augau ir tai man reiškia labai daug. Read more
AMBASSADORS OF “KAUNAS 2022”: Inga Turminienė
“Kaunas is the city where I grew up and it means a lot to me. From a young age, while I grew, I saw the beauty of different styles. I spent my time in the green surroundings of a variety of parks. The cultural layers, arts and music festivals of Kaunas tirelessly nourish my soul, and its best schools and universities are a source of knowledge and energy. All of this is like food for the soul, and in Kaunas, it is of the highest quality. When I created the IETI restaurant, I wanted it to become another special piece of Kaunas and to meet all the needs of the residents. Read more