Lithuanian National Radio and Television Annual Awards presented: Kaunas 2022 was chosen as the cultural phenomenon of the year

For the fifth time, Lithuanian National Radio and Television (LRT) invited to remember the most prominent events, personalities, initiatives, and achievements of 2022, which inspired us all and helped Lithuania focus, grow and improve. The winners were honoured at the LRT Annual Awards ceremony, where there was also no shortage of words of thanks to those who support Ukraine.
The solemn evening was not missed by a group of prominent public figures, representatives of sports, art, and culture, who entered the LRT big studio on the blue carpet of the ceremony.
Of course, the most important note of the evening was the honouring of the brightest people and initiatives of 2022. “The list of this year’s nominees represents the pulse of the entire year. Civic initiatives that have done and continue to do great things to help people affected by the war in Ukraine, who came to live in Lithuania, and continue to help those who remained to fight for the country's freedom, were prominent.
Surnames, initiatives, organizations, which aimed to help Ukrainian people, herewith encouraging all of us to grow as a nation, were among the nominees. We had engaging cultural projects, and our athletes again successfully managed to have the Lithuanian national anthem played at the biggest sports championships. I’m also happy that the achievements of the scientists of our country, which are valued in the whole world, are not forgotten in these Awards”, - Monika Garbačiauskaitė-Budrienė, the general director of LRT said before the celebratory Awards ceremony.

The "Kaunas 2022" project was declared the cultural phenomenon of the year in these Awards. “Maybe it wasn’t that difficult to get so many votes from readers because the voters were a part of cultural capital, the visitors and creators themselves. This award is an achievement of all creators and attendees. We felt special because we received the attention of so many Lithuanians and Europe”, - Virginija Vitkienė was happy to remember that a huge team worked on this project.
She admitted that the war, which started in February last year, shook them, but a huge team was able to not give up and included supportive initiatives for Ukraine into the programme – the cultural centre of Ukraine, which allowed the initiatives of Ukrainians living in Kaunas to unfold throughout the year, was established in Central Kaunas Post Office.
When the European Capital of Culture title returned to Lithuania after a twelve-year break, Kaunas prepared for it for five years, devoting most of its forces, time and finances to involve the citizens as much as possible. ECOC team assures, that the rich life in Kaunas won’t stop after the project is over.
During the year, about 40 festivals, more than 60 exhibitions, over 250 performing arts events, and over 250 concerts took place in Kaunas and the Kaunas district. The events attracted over one and a half million visitors. A lot of attention was paid to the topics of human rights, freedom of speech, respect for everyone, and culture for everyone. reminds that the nominees were proposed and selected by the LRT Annual Awards working group, which has been actively working for the third year, made up of journalists from different fields, who have been closely following Lithuanian events throughout the year.
You can see all the awardees here.