
2019 December 30

City ​​municipal garage

It is probably the first building in Lithuania to use the most modern technology of reinforced concrete vaulting structures for roofing. At that time, the newspapers wrote: "The beautiful and modern Kaunas City Municipal Bus Shelter" is the largest in the Baltic States.
2019 December 30

Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

Professor Vladas Lašas (dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Vytautas Magnus University, from 1924 to 1940) had a very clear vision of the University Clinics: it is a multi-profile hospital with therapeutic, pedagogical and scientific work. This hospital, which started its operation in 1940, met the expectations of the builders and became one of the most modern hospitals in the country, which pursues one goal – better health of the Lithuanian people.
2019 December 30

House of Julija and Feliksas Damijonaičiai

Do you live in this house? Or do you know the stories associated with it? – Tell us! This assistance is invaluable for Kaunas and Kaunas District as a contemporary European Capital of Culture 2022 and for those who want to know more about it. Let's share our stories about architecture!
2019 December 30
paceviciaus vilos ikonele

Villa of Česlovas Pacevičius

In Kaunas New Town, the interwar period saw the design of a solid perimeter development, closed, multi-storey blocks of flats. Private single-family urban villas were built further away from the centre. The highest concentration of such houses is in Žaliakalnis, where homestead-type development prevails.
2019 December 30

House of Tadas and Julija Petkevičiai

Before building their own house, Petkevičiai were renting various apartments, but after experiencing that the rent was not worthwhile, it was decided to build a private house. It was not necessary to look far for the author of the house project. The brother-in-law of Julija – Vytautas Landsbergis-Žemkalnis – was already a famous architect at that time, so he created the project. The house expressed the spirit of existence minimum and the needs of the owners.
2019 December 30

House of officer Petras Gužas

Do you live in this house? Or do you know the stories associated with it? – Tell us! This assistance is invaluable for Kaunas and Kaunas District as a contemporary European Capital of Culture 2022 and for those who want to know more about it. Let's share our stories about architecture!
2019 December 30

House of B. Giedraitis ir K. Oželis

Do you live in this house? Or do you know the stories associated with it? – Tell us! This assistance is invaluable for Kaunas and Kaunas District as a contemporary European Capital of Culture 2022 and for those who want to know more about it. Let's share our stories about architecture!
2019 December 29

House of Meilachas Melamedas

Do you live in this house? Or do you know the stories associated with it? – Tell us! This assistance is invaluable for Kaunas and Kaunas District as a contemporary European Capital of Culture 2022 and for those who want to know more about it. Let's share our stories about architecture!
2019 December 29

House of engineer Vladas Stankūnas

Do you live in this house? Or do you know the stories associated with it? – Tell us! This assistance is invaluable for Kaunas and Kaunas District as a contemporary European Capital of Culture 2022 and for those who want to know more about it. Let's share our stories about architecture!