Privacy policy

Privacy policy shall be applicable to all personal data provided by the user. Website managers respect user privacy and protect their personal data provided by the users as it is established in this privacy policy. This privacy policy explains how we collect and use user data.

This privacy policy shall come into force on 1 January 2019. Kaunas 2022 VšĮ reserves the right to review and change the privacy policy at any time. The changes come into force once they have been published on the Website.


Personal data processing

The following types of Website’s data shall be collected, stored and used:

  • user’s computer data, data about user’s visits to the Website and usage (your IP address, geographical location, browser type, source from which you were redirected, duration of visits and number of views of the website);
  • all personal user data that the user provides by submitting various data collection forms provided on the Website, writing notes, by email and / or newsletter;
  • any other data the user chooses to submit to the Website.


By providing the personal information, users agree and give permission to process this information for the following purposes:

  • profile display of Website users;
  • for copyright purposes;
  • for submitting information designed for users and internal communication;
  • for managing internal statistical data of the Website;
  • carry out contractual obligations with users;
  • register to events, trips or organising them;
  • Website managers collect information about locations and objects aiming to understand which of them are the most popular ones and most active members of the heritage community;
  • Website collects and submits information about object location by indicating it on the map for directions towards another object and routes between the objects.


All personal data collected by using the Website is protected and used in accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Lithuania and requirements therein. Data shall be collected for established and legal purposes, processed fairly and using safety measures protecting this data from its illegal destruction, disclosure or other illegal actions.

In case the user provides personal information on the Website without the Website requesting it (e.g. provides it on the email), the user does it at his / her own risk and takes responsibility for it. User data and provision of information are perceived as user consent for Kaunas 2022 VšĮ to process personal data and information provided.

User has the right to access his / her personal data and request to rectify incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate personal data by writing an email to [email protected] or [email protected]



Website uses Cookies in order to save browsing data in user’s computer and thus reduce the number of server requests and improve the quality of services provided to the user.

Cookie is a small text document with a unique ID number sent from the Website to user’s computer in order to identify it, as well as the browser type and see person’s activities online. The unique number identifies user browser every time he or she visits the Website. Cookies do not allow to record personal data (like user name or address). Cookies are used on websites for statistical purposes, including information about user visits to the Website, their number and flow. Such information is not related to personal information. The user can turn off cookies at any time but without them, some of functions may not work properly.

You may allow for cookies to be installed or refuse them. Most of the websites accept cookies automatically, but you may change the settings of your browser, if you do not want to accept cookies or get a warning before placing them. Read the instruction of your browser or simply get more information about these functions. If you choose not to accept cookies, you may not be able to use the interactive qualities of this website.

Any personal data of the user is not collected through cookies. When necessary cookies are placed, no personal information is provided to third persons.