“The Contract”
is a musical piece about the spirit of the city of Kaunas, a dedication to its history, present and future, its uniqueness. The performance consists of 6 parts.
Part 1. Introduction. Hunting the beast.
Kaunas does not have a single popular legend of its origin, so “The Contract” attempts to create a symbolic myth of the city’s birth. The action begins with a scene of the hunt for a mythical beast at the confluence of two rivers, where the elements of wild nature and rituals prevail. In a space of old legends, the name of the city – Kaunas – is formed from individual sounds.
Part 2. Urban growth.
The wild world of legends turns into civilization, and people into townspeople. In the hustle and bustle of the city square, there is an artisan market, modern dance intertwines with fragments of a procession, the kingdom of merchants and rivermen all raging here. Everything flows through the arteries of life – rivers – which nourish and enrich the city and its citizens.
Part 3. Flood.
Kaunas has repeatedly suffered from powerful floods. The flood is real and poetically metaphysical. The energy of the city’s rivers erupts, flooding the city, and residents try to fit into the symbolic Noah’s Ark and save themselves. The hopeful voice of the girl – Neris is heard, and the spirit of the beast, which could protect the city can be felt everywhere, but will everyone be saved? Will everyone be accepted?
Part 4. The element of industry.
The city continues to develop – industry grows, a railway and bridges are built, natural elements are increasingly tamed and subjugated to man. A certain roboticity is reflected in the urban part. Scientific or industrial development always has a dark side, so the progressive urban industry turns into a militaristic danger and passes into episodes of war and occupation.
Part 5. War.
War is an invasion by a foreign external force, but the discord among us is just as terrible, as it destroys any city from within, weakens its energy, and slows down its prosperity and growth. It is the collapse of the city within each of us, the unrecognized beast, the dark side of our souls.
Part 6. Reconciliation and freedom.
Citizens must grow with their city. Only then will we live in a prosperous city. This requires the C O N T R A C T. An agreement with yourself, all the people and your city. It is the union of the outer city and the inner city of each of us: the reconciliation of the past with the present and the present with the future, acceptance of the history of the city as it is, unadorned and real. It is coherence between mind and heart, between science and poetry. The city code is that everyone in this city is free and dignified. Kaunas has always been famous for its fight for freedom and its freedom fighters. A contract is our freedom, our promise to create and build. It is our belief that in the future, at the confluence of two rivers, our city will grow, live, and prosper.
Composer and concept author: Zita Bružaitė
Libretto author: Daiva Čepauskaitė
Director: Gediminas Šeduikis
Scenographer: Sigita Šimkūnaitė
Costume designer: Sandra Straukaitė
Choreographer: Agnija Šeiko
Choir’s artistic director: Danguolė Beinarytė
Lighting designer: Andrius Stasiulis
Conductor: Dirigentas Ričardas Šumila
Assistant choreographers: Gintarė Marija Ūsė and Mantas Ūsas
Monika Pleškytė (soprano)
Jeronimas Milius (tenor)
Petras Lisauskas (dancer)
Ensembles from the “Kauno Santaka” Concert Institution
(director: Vaidas Andriuškevičius)
Kaunas Big Band
(chief conductor: Jievaras Jasinskis)
Kaunas “Ąžuolynas” Wind Orchestra
(chief conductor: Giedrius Vaznys)
Kaunas “Ainiai” Music Ensemble
(concertmaster: Narimantas Murauskas)
KTU “Jaunystė” Academic Choir
(artistic director and conductor: Danguolė Beinarytė)
Vocal group of A.Kačanauskas Music School “Dangi&Dangiukai” (director Danguolė Beinarytė)
Šeiko Dance Company’s choreographic troupe (artistic director: Agnija Šeiko)
Dance company „Nuepiko“
(director: Marius Pinigis)
Dance company „Ulna“
(artistic director: Indrė Puišytė-Šidlauskienė)
Students of Kaunas Mikas Petrauskas School of Performing Arts, Dance Department
Giunter Percussion
(director: Pavel Giunter)
Kaunas String Quartet
(artistic director: Saulius Bartulis)
Karolina Beinarytė-Palekauskienė (first violin), Aistė Mikutytė (second violin), Eglė Lapinskė (viola), Saulius Bartulis (violoncello)
Joana Daunytė (harpist)