2nd round of Culture of Solidarity Fund

European Cultural Foundation is inviting to apply for the second round of the European Culture of Solidarity Fund. Set up at the beginning of the pandemic crisis, the fund continues to support imaginative cultural initiatives that reinforce solidarity and deal with the aftermaths of the pandemic for European societies.

This second round also looks to re-unite Europe and its people in solidarity through supporting local cultural players in building alliances across nations, borders and differences with a broader European idea in mind. It specifically welcomes proposals that grow immediate crisis responses into more future- oriented solutions and extend from local levels to building cross-national alliances and initiatives of pan-European solidarity.

The Fund is open to individuals, collectives and organisations from all sectors and civil society at large and supports short- or long-term actions that either/or:
– preserve and expand a European Culture of Solidarity as the key element for keeping Europe an open and shared public space for everyone;
– envision the future of making cultural experiences and people-to-people interaction possible across European borders after inward-looking times of social distancing and national crisis response;
– imagine, tell stories and prepare the ground for a culture-driven revival of a united Europe during and after the crisis.

The Fund has grants available in three amounts:
– Small: up to €12.500
– Medium: €12.500 – 25.000
– Large: €25.000 – 40.000

The Culture of Solidarity fund will see various application windows this year, and we will distribute funding equally over all windows. The second window is open from June 22nd, and closes on July 14th, 13:00 CEST PM.

Apply by filling in the online form here.

You can find more information and criteria here.