
The legacy of modernism is an inspiration for contemporary art. We invite artists from various fields to become interpreters of modernism, to look creatively and contemporary at the heritage of modernism and its history. In this section you will find information about initiated and ongoing projects implemented with Lithuanian and foreign partners and designed to create modern artistic forms of interpretation of modernism based on the collected historical material, which would create an emotional connection with modernist architecture.

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Project: "MoFu 360/365"

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Exhibition: „MoFu 360/365“

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Music of Modernism by Arūnas Periokas

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3D interpretations of Kaunas modernism

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Subjective atlas of Kaunas modernism

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Video art project

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"Voices of the Cityscape" by Milda Gineikaitė

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"Archi/Texture": Tactile Experiences

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"DeMo": Decoding Modernity

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Photo exhibition "Modern Life"

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"Parallel Kaunas" by Martyna Žukaitė

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Construct an Interwar Modernist Building

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"A Postcard from Wooden Kaunas" by Justinas Stonkus

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Cakes of modernism

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Contemporary dance and architecture

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Building Narratives: Eiguliai

kolektiv parodos baneris

Residency: Kaunas Modernism Interpreted

lia dostlieva tekstilines skulpturos

Textile sculptures by Lia Dostlieva

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“Stories of Field Recordings: Kaunas Modernism”