“There was a large crowd of people gathering around the Japanese embassy, pushing one another and waiting for their turn. But Vilekas managed to get inside. He looked around and saw the gate far at the yard, leading through the garden. When he entered to the garden, he saw the kitchen door. Inside, he saw a Japanese maid. She gave Vilekas a scared look and bowed down. Vilekas did the same. After many bows to one another, Vilekas climbed upstairs and started opening doors to all rooms. In one of them, he saw a surprised consul Ch. Sugihara. “How did you get here?” he asked in German. (...) Apologising for the intrusion, Vilekas explained that he must get visas for his family, because he has two children. Consul Ch. Sugihara listened to his story in silence, took his pen and asked: “What are their names?” Vilekas appeared with visas next to the consulate and no one could understand how he managed to get inside. “A miracle.” He said. “With the help of God, I am a miracle-worker.” From the memories of Perla Frankel (1 October 1939).