Raudondvaris | Contemporary Neighborhood

Šiuolaikinės seniūnijos

Raudondvaris – is one the oldest settlements of Kaunas district that has joined the project of ‘Contemporary Neighbourhoods’ in 2020. Even though this locality is famous for the Raudondvaris Manor that is well known by everyone, and the town itself is known for its historical past, choreographer and dancer Marius Pinigis as well as composer and dancer Andrius Štakelė chose a different and deeper perspective to look at it all while discovering the lesser known parts of the history of the town. Having chosen to create a unique story that delves into dark post-war period, the organisers have started by analyzing Šiaudinė village, partisan graves, headquarters of the occupant soldiers (known as stribai and their local headquarters as stribynė), the blown up Stašelis bridge…
“Raudondvaris history is very interesting and much broader than the Raudondvaris manor or Juozas Naujalis (editor – a famous composer). Raudondvaris oldtown that is also known as Šiaudinė or as the locals call it “Salomianka” is particularly interesting. Its history has become the starting point of the telling of a more diverse history of the town” – Marius Pinigis shared. Choosing the medium of dancing was not a random choice: a survey of the local inhabitants has shown that about 500 local people are related to dancing in different ways. The project has gathered people of different age, creed and likings. It was sought to highlight the process of the project itself rather than its result hence various workshops and events took place that encouraged meeting and learning about each other as well as gathering the community together and strengthening their relationships. “Such projects that include the community are very important since they gather people, unite them for a common goal or a common experience. People become more open and know each other better. Such projects allow neighbourhoods to learn from the professional artists that execute the projects, elevate the understanding of art and the general level of culture” – believes M. Pinigis.
Half a year later after trying searches and rehearsals a gigantic event took place. “Do not miss a chance to participate in a unique tour during which almost one hundred locals of Raudondvaris will tell the history of the town through dance” – was the call to attend by the organisers. The greatest success was considered the fact that during this event people who have never danced before have danced and it is a rare occasion to such experience such a variety of emotions that provokes shivers of thrill. Stories told within the authentic settings made us understand once again what a unique history Raudondvaris has.
It is expected that this is the beginning of new activities in Raudondvaris, activities that will grow and gather as well as marvel even more people of different age and interests. In addition to the local residents Marius Pinigis is also delighted that this project will continue for a few more years. It is hoped that this will help the town to clear up all of its ideas. “The love for Raudondvaris and patriotism of the local residents is surprising as well as inspiring. I believe that the town has many more so far unveiled stories that I intend to share the next year, in 2021”.

Brief statistics. 47 activities and 8 events during which 25 artists have shown their creative potential were organised in Raudondvaris within 2020. 11 partners have joined these activities and events, 982 people have participated and the audience was composed of 340 spectators. In 2020 Raudondvaris has travelled through its historical road through dance that every could enjoy. If you’d like to take part in the active and smile provoking life of Raudondvaris or get more information about the creative community projects taking place here please contact us by [email protected].



Photos: M. Plepys.

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