Kačerginė | Contemporary Neighborhoods

Šiuolaikinės seniūnijos

Kačerginė – is a wonderful part of Kaunas district, adorned by a forest on one side and river Nemunas on the other. One can easily feel tranquillity and immerse in nature here. Even a brief stroll in Kačerginė inspires to dream and enjoy life. There is segment of a bicycle road in Kačerginė which connects Kaunas city to Zapyškis church – the pearl of the banks of Nemunas. The welcoming Linden Park recently has become a space where locals and guests can enjoy exhibitions under the open sky. A river dock is nearby, where families, groups of friends, and solitary people gather. The dock has benches and tables, as well as a grill zone. Should you decide to go the other way, you will find J. Biliūnas square and reach the Path of Springs. You can find a sanatorium in the town as well. The sanatorium serves as a proof that Kačerginė‘s atmosphere is suited for spiritual and physical rest. A widely known fact is that many of the most notable Lithuanian writers, who have imprinted a strong mark into Lithuanian literature and history, are connected to Kačerginė. These writers are: J. Biliūnas, V. Mykolaitis-Putinas, and P. Mašiotas. Park of P. Mašiotas tales is the perfect playground for children, and a place where adults are brought back to the most light-hearted part of their lives – their childhood.
This area of Kaunas district has joined Contemporary Neighbourhoods project in 2020. Activities organised in relation to the project will likely highlight the uniqueness of Kačerginė and strengthen the bonds of the community as well as boost creative potential to organise activities. Hopefully, the local community will recognise what is unique to Kačerginė in different perspectives. In 2020, residents of Kačerginė gathered in meetings and tried to find the strengths of their community‘s identity. Upon a closer look into the peculiarities of Kačerginė‘s communal life, a conclusion emerged that residents of Kačerginė see the town from completely different viewpoints: some see the town as a high-end resort, others see it simply as their living space. To bridge the important topic of writers in Kačerginė and miscellaneous perception of the town by locals, a decision was made to realise a project where the town‘s multiple layers are revealed through writings and photographs. Last year, the initiative group of Kačerginė as well as Contemporary Neighbourhoods project team brought their efforts together and organised classical music concert at the river dock. That evening the town immerged into the ringing of famous baroque composer A. Vivaldi’s work The Four Seasons. After the successful concert it was decided to make a picnic at the dock every summer during which locals and guests could enjoy culture and art.
2021 in Kačerginė is hoped to be filled with classical music once again and the year when the first results of the final Contemporary Neighbourhoods project of 2022 will be announced.
If you would like to find out more about Kačerginė and Contemporary Neighbourhoods project activities planned in this region, write to
[email protected]

Photograph author: Gediminas Banaitis.