Luxury apartment buildings

2019 March 11

Apartment building of Elijošius Šneideris

This house was built in 1938, during the second construction boom. It is one of the most beautiful residential buildings of Kaunas interwar modernism, for which we can thank the architect Stasys Kudokas.
2019 February 3

House of lawyer A. Škėma

Owned by Kazimieras Škėma, a famous lawyer, this house had five floors, which in the interwar years was a rarity. During its construction the owner hat to negotiate hard in order to get its height approved by the municipality`s building commission, since it diverged noticeably from general height level of the structures on V. Putvinskis Street. Each floor contained a five-room apartment. Apartments in this house were rented by the Swedish and Czechoslovak legations. In 1933 on the slope of the courtyard a three-storey auxiliary building was built to house the garage, the drivers` quarters, and glazed orangery on the top floor.
2019 February 1

House of doctor P. Gudavičius

This residential house was always exclusive because of its architectural "language" and its place in the city – both facades of the house are equally representative and decorative. This house built in 1929 also has its success story – because of the active community its facade was renovated in 2017. One of the most active leaders of this community – two young businessmens – also bought a flat in this house and returned it to the real 30s!
2019 January 31

Cooperative residential house

In the interwar period cooperatives were formed for the purpose of building residential houses. One of these was the Butas C-op, organized by the Supreme Tribunal officials Liudas Ciplijauskas and Martynas Kavolis.
2019 January 9

House of businessman Jonas Lapėnas

The largest private house of the interwar period – and without a doubt, the most modern – belonged to Jonas Lapėnas, businessman and CEO of "Maistas", the largest food processing company in Lithuania, which enjoyed an export monopoly of processed meat products.
2019 January 9

House of businessmans M. and M. Chaimsonai

When the Chaimsonai's private residence was completed, on the Maironis street in 1930, the new building was met with sincere astonishment by the city's residents. As the rest of the neighbourhood didn't commit to the building's owners race for new heights, this condo building remained unchallenged in its category in interwar Kaunas.
2018 December 18
vytauto pr 58 ikonele

House of businessmans M. Posvianskis and H. Klisas

This private residence, located next to a busy boulevard, rightfully draws the eye of many a passersby. The building stands out among its modernistic Kaunas' peers by its looks and decorative details, and breaks away from Lithuanian architectural tradition.