Samylai | Contemporary Neighborhood

Šiuolaikinės seniūnijos

Samylai Neighbourhood, famous for its forests and the landscape of Kaunas Reservoir, joined the Kaunas 2022 project Contemporary Neighbourhood in 2020. Their goal was clear from the very start: to unite Girionys community through creative activities. 2020, the year of the pandemic, has not scared the locals, they kept their plans intact, and the word about their initiatives spread far and wide throughout Lithuania. During the year, as much as 13 activities were organised in the eldership and guests were invited to come to 5 events, most of which were dedicated to the field of earth art. Residents of Samylai had a vision to make the beauty and calmness of their forest meaningful, as well as create a cosy environment for spectating sunsets.
Fellow citizens of Samylai in joint efforts with the architects Lilija and Vytautas Putnos built a temporary amphitheatre on the banks of Kaunas Reservoir shore and named it The Sunset Amphitheatre (Saulėlydžio amfiteatras). Lilija, one of the project architects, is certain that such projects should be done more often. They unite the community, help people to acquaint with each other, and prompt friendly relationships.
Romas Gargasas, a local who volunteered in the communal work, had carved out a “Samylai a Contemporary Neighbourhood” sign next to the amphitheatre, and made some eldership badges for the project. Romas said he had felt joy participating in this project because it gather like-minded people, and together they accomplished everything like they had planned.
In the late Autumn, the final event called The Wakening Sunset was organised in Samylai near the amphitheatre. The event encouraged not only to admire the calm endless forest but also to participate in discussions about communal initiatives, admire the exhibition of local citizens’ and artists‘ works. Participants were also invited to listen to the music of Samylai local Milėja Stankevičiūtė who was the first one in the country to win The Most Beautiful Voice award in a musical TV project (Lietuvos balsas. Vaikai) in 2019 and the band Baltasis Kiras. The event included an exhibition of internationally famous project Windows of Quarantine (author Gabija Vainiutė) in an art factory in the Linden avenue.
In the year 2022 when Kaunas will become the European Capital of Culture, Samylai eldership expects to organise a festival about the field of earth art, which was already popularized by the locals during the Contemporary Neighbourhood project. It is likely that an exciting artistic time awaits Samylai eldership, which will connect arts, community, and nature, and will adorn this place in Kaunas region with bright smiles of local citizens and guests.

Brief statistics 2In the 5 events of 2020, 13 artists and professionals brought their ideas to life, 13 activities were organised, and jointly 265 people and 225 spectators partook in these events. Creative processes attracted 4 partners. One maintainable artwork which allows to observe the beauty of nature has been created in Samylai. If you would like to know more about the creative communal processes of the Contemporary Neighbourhood project in Samylai, and (or) join them, write to [email protected].

We say a huge thank you to Kaunas 2022 volunteers Emilija Smilinksiatė and Aušrinė Vilimaitė for creating the Lithuanian texts!
Moments of the Contemporary Neighbourhood project were captured by A. Aleksandravičius and M. Plepys.
More information about Contemporary Neighbourhood project activities in Samylai eldership can be found in the links provided below (Lithuanian):

  3. Kaunas pilnas kultūros