4 листопада – 4 грудня п’ята українська трієнале сучасного мистецтва «Український зріз 2022. UKRAINE! UNMUTED» буде представлена у центральній пошті Каунасу.
Цього року 17 робіт представляють українські митці з Дніпра, Херсона, Києва, Харкова, Львова, Одеси та Донецька. Експозиція запрошує відвідувачів відкрити для себе відеороботи, інсталяції та об’єкти, живопис, графіку, фотороботи та перформанс.
Триєнале, яке триває один місяць, представляє не лише виставку, але й перформанс, публічні дискусії та книгу есе. Всі заходи намагаються розкрити, чим було українське мистецтво і яким воно є зараз, дозволяючи мистецтву говорити само за себе.

Яна Бачинська, Лія Достлієва та Андрій Достлієв, Костянтин Зоркін, Жанна Кадирова, Алевтина Кахідзе, Микола Карабінович, Миро Клочко та Анатолій Татаренко, Саша Курмаз, Катя Лібкінд, Катерина Лисовенко, Павло Маков, Сергій Петлюк, В’ячеслав Поляков, Андрій Рачинський та Даніїл Ревковський , Fantastic Little Splash (Лера Мальченко та Олександр Ганц), Станіслав Туріна, Володимир Кауфман (у співавторстві з Максимом Мазуром, Сергієм Савченком, Яною Крикун, Сергієм Радкевичем, Наталкою Шимін, Наталією Лісовою).
Володимир Кауфман, Сергій Петлюк
Вівторок – неділя, з 10 00 до 18 00, субота з 11 00 до 19 00
4 листопада, 16:00
Каунаська центральна пошта
Митці досліджують внутрішній стан людини у воєнний час. Українці живуть у стані постійного тимчасового переміщення. Довгі місяці внутрішньої нерухомості навчили їх продовжувати робити все, як і раніше, але відчуття стояння на місці не зникло.
Артисти вистави: Володимир КАУФМАН, Наталія ЛІСОВА, Юрій ШТАЙДА, Ярина ШУМСЬКА, Володимир ТОПІЙ.

5 листопада о 13.00 екскурсія з куратором Володимиром Кауфманом українською мовою.
5 листопада о 16.00 екскурсія з куратором Сергієм Петлюком англійською мовою.
Участь безкоштовна, але через обмежену кількість місць необхідна реєстрація, заповнивши цю реєстраційну форму.
10, 11, 24, 26 листопада
Усі дискусії ведуться англійською мовою, транслюються в прямому ефірі на сторінці «Каунас 2022» у Facebook.
Участь у дискусіях безкоштовна, але обов’язкова реєстрація, заповнивши реєстраційну форму.
10 листопада Discovering Ukraine (from outside and from inside)
10 листопада, 16:00 @ BLC business centre, Donelaičio g. 60, корпус А
Discovering Ukraine (from outside and from inside) – за участю Карла Хенріка Фредрікссона (Швеція – Австрія) та Вахтанга Кебуладзе (Україна)
Ukraine is still something to be explained for many, and while it appeared on the maps as an independent country more than thirty years ago, it took some time for most people to get an idea of what Ukraine was, some got it earlier, and some looked closely just recently. The dynamic is an interesting issue, but not only abroad: many Ukrainians needed to take their time too. Both for Ukrainians and for foreigners, Ukraine is also an idea and an intellectual adventure. Our speakers came from very different places, and they have very different experiences in regard to Ukraine, but a lot in common to conceptualize it.
More about the participants of the panel discussion:
Carl Henrik Fredriksson is a Swedish author, editor, and translator living in Vienna, Austria. Co-founder and, from 2001 to 2015, editor-in-chief of Eurozine. Former editor-in-chief of Sweden’s oldest cultural journal Ord&Bild. He is an author of numerous publications on literature, art, philosophy, media and politics. He is a Permanent Fellow at the Institute for Media and Communication Policy (Institut für Medien- und Kommunikationspolitik) in Berlin and the Programme Director of Debates on Europe, a cooperation between the S. Fischer Foundation and the German Academy for Language and Literature.
Vakhtang Kebuladze is a Ukrainian philosopher, writer, and expert in translations of philosophy texts. His own translations of German philosophy to Ukrainian include books by Husserl and Nitzsche. While Vakhtang is a co-chairman of Ukrainian Phenomenological Society, and a Professor at Kyiv Shevchenko university, a member of editorial boards of academic journals in Ukraine and other European countries, his essays gained popularity far beyond academia, and his book was awarded by PEN-Ukraine.
Moderator: Oksana Forostyna
11 листопада Dancing with Empire, Falling for Empire
11 листопада, 16:00 @Каунаський автовокзал, Vytauto pr. 24
Dancing with Empire, Falling for Empire – за участі Яцека Дехнеля (Польща – Німеччина) та Ярослави Стріхи (Україна)
A lot was said about how long it takes and how difficult it is for a colonized to get back their agency and to change their perspective, and how long a shadow an empire casts. Empires stay with us even after we have survived and overcome them, and not only as nightmares, but also as a part of who we are, as an aftertaste both toxic and sweet. Our speakers Jacek Dehnel and Iaroslava Strikha were exploring that in their works, literary and academic respectively. Together they will try to conceptualize the imperial charm and how it works for art in our part of the world.
More about the participants of the panel discussion:
Jacek Dehnel is a Polish poet, writer, translator, and painter. His first collection of poems was the last book recommended by the Polish Nobel Prize winner, Czesław Miłosz.
A prolific author of nine books of poems, five novels, a few collections of short prose, columns and essays, Dehnel has also translated works of (among others) Philip Larkin, Henry James, Edmund White, Francis Scott Fitzgerald, J.M. Coetzee. His own works were translated into over a dozen of languages, and in English are available his two novels, Saturn and Lala, and the two volumes of a crime series he writes with his husband, Piotr Tarczynski, under a pen name Maryla Szymiczkowa (Mrs Mohr Goes Missing and Karolina or the Torn Curtain), and a selection of poems Aperture. Lala is available also in Lithuanian and - along with Saturn, Matka Makryna and Krivoklat - in Ukrainian. Dehnel has been awarded literary prizes that include the Kościelski Award and the Paszport „Polityki” and nominated to many others. Since 2020 he and his husband live in Berlin.
Iaroslava Strikha is a literary translator and literary scholar. She holds a PhD from Harvard University (2017), and developed and taught courses on contemporary Ukrainian culture and on Eastern European literary modernism at the Department of Slavic Languages and
Literatures at Harvard in 2022. Her translation of Behind the Scenes at the Museum by Kate Atkinson received the Best Book Award of the Lviv Book Forum as the best translation in 2018. Her interests as a literary scholar include Ukrainian literature of the late 19th through the early 20th century, trauma studies, modernism in Yiddish literature, graphic novels and intersemiotic translations.
Moderator: Oksana Forostyna
24 листопада Voices from the Underground: Artists Behind the Iron Curtain
November 26th, 12 AM
Kaunas central post office, Laisves al. 102, Kaunas
How To Show the Invisible
One may say that all cultures are equal, but who would say that all cultures are equally perceived, known, and admired? How to be interesting if your culture missed (partly or totally) the 19th century race for being a part of the cultural canon? Two speakers are on a mission to show their cultures to the world where cultural hierarchies are being reproduced faster than being undermined, and attention is the new scarce resource.
Pawel Potoroczyn is educational and cultural chief executive with in-depth knowledge on international educational and cultural resources and trends, established cultural and business relations. He is also experienced music, theatre and film producer with several international awards to his credit. He has spent 15 years on top diplomatic posts, representing Poland in the US (Los Angeles, New York) and in the UK (London), and accumulated extensive expertise in cultural diplomacy with a broad and established network among world’s best cultural and educational institutions, and got a proven track record of using societal and educational values as a powerful medium for cross-cultural dialogue. Diplomat, author, public intellectual, speaker, producer and executive.
Volodymyr Sheiko is director of the Ukrainian Institute, Ukraine’s cultural diplomacy organisation that develops cultural relations between Ukraine and other countries and promotes better understanding of Ukraine internationally. During 2007–2018 Volodymyr worked at the British Council as Arts Director for Ukraine, marketing and communications manager; and arts programme manager for 15 countries of South-East Europe and Central Asia. He has produced, programmed, organised or otherwise contributed to over 200 arts, culture, and communications projects and events in 15 European countries: art exhibitions, artistic residencies, film festivals and screenings, expert discussions, music concerts, literature projects, training workshops, conferences, theatre performances, communications campaigns etc.
All the discussions are in English language, broadcasted live on “Kaunas 2022” Facebook page.
Participation at the discussions is free of charge, but registration is required by filling in the registration form.
26 листопада How To Show the Invisible
26 листопада
How To Show the Invisible
за участі Павла Поторочина (Польща), Володимира Шейко (Україна)