
About program

Say, suggest, dream


Why is design a way to happiness?


Why is design a way to achieve happiness?


How is design connected to happiness?


Because design is a relationship that helps to strengthen the relationship between human being and things, human being and environment, human being and human being. The more harmonious and sustainable the relationship, the more there is happiness inside and out.


Design and today’s city are inseparable. The stronger the relationship between the two of them, the better we recognise and image the city – it is easier to orientate in it, feel more dignified, solve problems more effectively and find a way out of difficult situations and all design (of the city) disasters.


Good design is sustainable, aesthetic, functional, respecting consumer diversity, inclusive, protecting health, creating economic value and human well-being.


When Designing Happiness is culture, Lithuania provokes the opportunity to be called as a country of design, and Kaunas seeks to justify the UNESCO Creative City of Design name and invites to create traditions of good taste and way of activity, to increase the density of authentic design, to cultivate creative ethics and aesthetics, to increase the number of creating people/designers, to build muscles of empathy, pose and solve inconvenient issues regarding city’s convenience and accessibility for all, to create an art gallery in the open-air in the city and its districts, to celebrate happiness being together before and after 2022.



Kaunas is the first city in Eastern and Central Europe to be awarded UNESCO City of Design status. Kaunas was included in the Network of UNESCO Creative Cities) in 2015.  The purpose of membership is to strengthen international cooperation with creative cities, share experiences, integrate design into local development strategies and plans, and increase cultural life accessibility.

Since 2018, “Kaunas 2022” is a member of the Design for All Europe Network founded in 1993.  The Network brings together nearly 40 member organisations in 18 European countries and aims to improve quality of life on the basis of Design for All principles. As a member of this Network, we are not only making a statement but we are also make a commitment of contributing and fostering a culture of accessibility and Design for All – Designing Happiness.


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