Vaidas Petrulis

@ Kaunas University of Technology

Vaidas is a scholar, architecture and heritage specialist. He is also an Associate Professor and Lecturer in Kaunas Technological University (KTU), Vytautas Magnus university (VDU) and Vilnius Academy of Arts (VDA). He is a leader and originator of the website of the Architecture and Urbanism Research Centre ( It is designed as a digital archive of the Lithuanian history of architecture and heritage dedicated to the education of the general public and the professionals of the history of architecture and heritage protection as the database of iconographic sources. Vaidas` researches are focusing on the history of architecture of the 20th century and modernism architecture in Kaunas. His publications include Architektūra sovietinėje Lietuvoje (Soviet Architecture in Lithuania), Lietuvos tarpukario architektūrinis palikimas: materialumo ir nematerialumo dermė (Architectural Legacy of Interwar Lithuania: harmony of materiality and immateriality). He is a co-author of the book Architecture of Optimism: The Kaunas Phenomenon, 1918–1940.