Sabine Storp

@ The Bartlett School of Architecture (UCL)

Sabin Storp is the director for Short Courses and Design March tutor at Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL London. She is also Director at storpweber architecture, London. Sabine has been teaching at the Bartlett for the last 20 years. She is currently leading the MArch Unit 13. In the Living Laboratory, together with students they are exploring how cities are made, inhabited and how communities are formed. The research is looking into the non-conventional ways residents are adapting existing housing and how small-scale interventions and self-build events can transform dysfunctional communities. Sabine set up ‘The negotiating city’ platform of workshops, engaging students thinking through design making. Further to that Sabine together with her Partner Patrick Weber have received a mayor research grant to document an forgotten experimental house in Italy, by Perugini and de Plaisant, in Fregene, Italy. The research revealed not only interesting approaches about the build structure further more investigated into the inhabitation and its relation to the community.