Maxwell Mutanda

Maxwell Mutanda

@ University College London

Maxwell Mutanda is a Lecturer in Environmental and Spatial Equity and Co-Director of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion at the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London. His work investigates the role of globalisation, climate and technology within the built environment.

His achievements include the 2018 AFRICA’SOUT! Artist-in-Residence at Denniston Hill, New York; as well as fellowships at The New Museum’s IdeasCity New Orleans; and at Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart (2020). Maxwell studied Architecture at the Bartlett, University College London and is the 2020 MSc in Sustainable Urban Development Sheehan Scholarship awardee at the University of Oxford.

His work has been featured at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Copenhagen; Arc en Rêve Centre d’Architecture, Bordeaux; the 2014 and 2016 Venice Architecture Biennales; the 2015 Chicago Architecture Biennial; and the National Gallery of Zimbabwe. Maxwell has been an editorial contributor for The Architectural Review and is currently a Trustee on the board of Mediale, an international media arts charity and arts festival based in York.