Yannis Koukmas

@ Director of Audience Development & Participation, Eleusis 2021


“The EU Working Classes” – engaging the workers’ community in Eleusis 2021 programme”

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Eleusis is Greece’s productive engine, and the ECoC encounters it at one of the most critical periods of its history, the economic crisis. Since the end of the 20th century, industrial activity has gradually decreased in the area of Eleusis, resulting in the loss of a significant number of jobs, facing the same challenges as the post-industrial Europe. For these reasons, one of the three Central Themes of the programme of Eleusis 2021 has been named “The EU Working Classes” and it focuses on the challenge of labour. This Theme imagines the workforces of the Future, the competitiveness and growth as a result of arts being linked to fields such as industry, science, technology and social innovation.


Yannis Koukmas is a Social Anthropologist, with a postgraduate degree in European History and in Cultural Management. He has worked in the museum sector for 20 years. His interests include strategic planning, audience engagement and development, volunteer education, communication-social media, seminars, participatory workshops and events, as well as fundraising. He is a member of the Greek section of the ICOM (International Council of Museums), member of the Balkan Museum Network and of The Museum Professionals Network-British Council, Greece.

His interests include cultural policy, cultural management, audience development, memory, oral history and migration.