@ CEO at MO Museum
“How the art museum became trendy and what we have learned along the way towards our goal”
Milda Ivanauskienė has briefly presented the success story of the MO Museum. What goals have been set and how they are being achieved? How the audiences have been defined, what inter-sectorial partnerships are being developed and what marketing solutions have been implemented? The speaker talked on the new trend introduced by the MO Museum and on how does the museum contribute to the change in our attitude towards a museum and towards spending one’s leisure time.
Since 2016, Milda Ivanauskienė has been acting as the Director of the MO museum – she was in charge of developing the organisation’s activity strategy, as well as its positioning and team-building. Furthermore, she was actively participating in the construction process and implementation of the transformational process – from the virtual museum without borders to a new institution in the city centre of Vilnius. Milda Ivanauskienė’s experience covers two phases: work in the field of law as a law graduate and work in the MO museum since 2012. Among the implemented projects – cultural guide “Literatų street”, “Vilnius talking sculptures” project, etc. Moreover, she was building her competences in the field of museum work at numerous international training programs and conferences.