@ Culture manager, member of the European Capital of Culture Expert Panel
Goda Giedraitytė – art historian and critic, culture manager, member of the EU programme’s “European Capital of Culture” Expert Panel, chairwoman of the creative association “Fish Eye”, producer of the annual International Arts Festival “Plartforma” and various international projects, project leader and co-author of the “Klaipeda – European Capital of Culture 2022” bid-book, coordinator of the programmes “Klaipeda – Lithuanian Capital of Culture 2017” & “Neringa – Lithuanian Capital of Culture 2021”, chairwoman of the Performing Arts Council at the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania, alumni of the EFA Atelier for Young Festival Managers, granted with ISPA’s 2020 Global Fellowship programme, lecturer and author of more than 100 articles about culture, art and cultural management.