@ Project manager, Versli Lietuva VšĮ
“Transfer of the public services: new opportunities for the social business”
The report introduced the public service transfer model and the situation of social business in Lithuania: what has already been done and what remains to be done in order to encourage the development of social businesses, improve its appeal and ecosystem.
During her study years, Aušra Pulauskaitė had a traineeship in the European Institute of Public Administration in Maastricht. After coming back to Lithuania and completing political studies, she chose to start her career working in a political party. According to her: “it was one of the best experiences ever”. She later worked at the IT training academy that inspired her a lot, as her daily work helped her contribute to changes in people’s lives. She has recently joined the team of Versli Lietuva (Enteprise Lithuania), where she is gaining more knowledge on the topic of social business, its prospects and the ecosystem of the social business in general.
Versli Lietuva is an agency established by the Ministry of Economy and Innovation, encouraging entrepreneurship, sustainable and modern business development practices, export and start-up ecosystem. One of the priority areas of the promotion of entrepreneurship is cultivation of social business and creation of its ecosystem. In 2018, looking for the ways to help the institutions of the Lithuanian public sector to achieve the goal established in the National Progress Programme for Lithuania for the period 2014-2020 (transfer at least 15 per cent of services provided by municipalities to NGOs, social business, communities or other players of the NGO sector), Versli Lietuva prepared public service transfer model, the essence of which is the impact assessment. We want for this model to become a toolkit for municipalities, the non-governmental sector and business to ensure high quality of public services and favourable social environment for the communities.